what is onwarn?
OnWARN is a province-wide Water / Wastewater Agency Response Network (WARN) of "utilities helping utilities" to prepare for the next natural or human-caused emergency.
OnWARN's mission is to support and promote province-wide emergency preparedness, disaster response, mutual aid and assistance for public and private water and wastewater utilities for natural and human-caused events.
why onwarn is essential
Critical Support for Life & Safety
Water and wastewater services are the backbone of community health, safety, and well-being. When disasters strike, as vividly demonstrated by Hurricane Katrina, the resulting interruptions can plunge communities into profound hardship.
Dedicated to Disaster Resilience
OnWARN stands at the forefront of disaster resilience, committed to averting the severe consequences of service disruptions. By enabling the swift restoration of water and wastewater systems, we play a pivotal role in helping communities rebound rapidly from crises. This proactive approach not only reduces the threat of fires and public health emergencies but also reinforces the overall resilience of the communities we serve.
steering committee
The OnWARN Steering Committee is comprised of volunteer Member utilities and Associate Members. Under the leadership of the OnWARN Steering Committee Chair, the Steering Committee is responsible for the following actions:
Organize and coordinate emergency planning and response activities for OnWARN
Encourage the active participation of Members
Establish regular Steering Committee meeting schedules to maintain continuity
Maintain communication with Members regarding updates, changes, or modifications to the OnWARN
Maintain the OnWARN Operational Plan for implementing the OnWARN Agreement
Obtain and manage grants as available
Manage issues related to Website management
Determine costs associated with hosting workshops, training, etc.
Set training and exercise schedules
Represent the membership when engaged in meetings, discussions, and consultations with other associations, states, and local agencies regarding the OnWARN